Smith Chiropractic Blog

Improves Infants’ Health & Wellness

I wanted to introduce you to some people that are all grown up now. My oldest (Owen) is now about to be 30 years, Hannah’s about 26, and Emory is 22. The reason why I’m telling you this is that all of these kids have been under chiropractic care their entire lives. Owen was born…

Top 6 Myths About Chiropractic Debunked

I wanted to go over some of the common myths about chiropractic and maybe some common misconceptions. The first one is you have to go for life. Well, that’s not the way it works. You don’t have to go for life. Some people say you get to go for life if you want to. The…

Chiropractors Only Treat Back Pain?

Waiting for pain is insane. The only thing better than getting out of pain is never getting in pain in the first place. Unfortunately, people don’t think that I’m a chiropractor, and I’m just a pain doctor. A couple of cracks on the back here and there, slap around the neck, and now everything’s going…

Chiropractic Care Is Dangerous?

I get asked the question, will chiropractic work for me, pretty much every day. Has it ever crossed your mind, will chiropractic work for you? Oftentimes people think that a crack is a solution. I have people that come in and they say, doc, I do this to my neck or I do this. They…

Chiropractic Care Is Expensive?

One of the things I’ve come to experience in chiropractic over the years is that people expect the work that I do to be expensive, even a luxury. Yet, statistically, it’s a lot cheaper than anything like surgery. It’s certainly cheaper than missing time off because you can’t work. After all, you’re in pain, and…

Improves Athletic Performance For ANY Sport

Did you know the best athletes in the world all have chiropractors? Pro teams in the NHL, the NFL, Olympic teams, all these different teams, they all have chiropractors, sometimes, literally game side working on the athletes as they’re playing the game. Sometimes just back in the locker room, that’s where they keep the chiropractors.…