Smith Chiropractic Blog

Speeds Up The Recovery Process

Did you know that you’re superhuman? Well, maybe not as much of a superhuman as a starfish because you can put a starfish and like a blender and puree it up, and you’d just end up with a whole bunch of little starfish. They just all grow from all the parts. Unlike starfish though, we…

Surgery Prevention

Chiropractors Have Always Said Chiropractic First, Drugs Second, And Surgery Last Only for the simple reason is that surgery involves cutting things. And once you cut something, you can’t uncut it. Medication oftentimes is necessary, but a lot of medications damage the body as much as they help the body. So the idea behind chiropractic…

Decreases The Effects Of Stress

Today, I Want To Talk About The Three T’s So the three T’s are thoughts, traumas, and toxins. And the reason we want to talk about those is that people have all sorts of stresses and strains, and they manifest as thoughts, traumas, and toxins in our bodies. And the stresses we have, we have…

What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment And Why Is It So Powerful?

A Lot Of People Have Some Crazy Ideas About What An Adjustment Is This can stem from the videos populating YouTube that show people getting cracked and popped. That is an adjustment, but it isn’t the full picture. The human body has a spinal column that protects the spinal cord, and it is naturally in…

The Only Truly Drug-Free Path To Health & Wellness

Do you ever notice how some things just irritate the bejesus out of you– like if your shoes are so tight, too tight, or maybe like the label in your shirt is pushing up against your hair the wrong. These things tend to get under our skin. The reason why they tend to get under…

Why You Became A Chiropractor

It all started in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1960, May 12th. That was the day that I was born. By the time I was three years old, four years old, I was bringing home every-we lived in the country. I was bringing home stray turtles. I caught rabbits. I did all sorts of things. I…